Conflict: World War I
Combatants: Allies vs. Germans
Location: Belgium
Outcome: Minor German victory
Following a heavy bombardment, German forces under General Erich Ludendorff launched a major offensive against British and French troops along the Lys River. After nearly three weeks of fighting, Ludendorff managed to create a salient in the Allied lines but did not fully breakthrough.
Points of Interest:
The Germans suffered 350,000 casualties during the Battle of Lys; Allied casualties were 305,000.
Erich Ludendorff later joined the Nazi party, supported the Beer Hall Putsch in 1923, served in the Reichstag, and ran unsuccessfully for president.
Dupuy, Trevor N., Johnson, Curt, & Bongard, David L. (1992). The Harper's Encyclopedia of Military Biography. New York: Castle Books (HarperCollins).
Dupuy, R. Ernest & Dupuy, Trevor N. (1993). The Harper's Encyclopedia of Military History. New York: HarperCollins.
Eggenberger, David (1985). An Encyclopedia of Battles: Accounts of Over 1,560 Battles from 1479 B.C. to the Present. New York: Dover Publications, Inc.
Ellis, John, & Cox, Michael (2001). The World War I Databook. Bodmin, UK: MPG Books Ltd.
Keegan, John (2001). An Illustrated History of the First World War. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.